Paket Medical Check Up di Mount Alvernia Hospital
Berikut pilihan paket yang tersedia:
PENTING: BUKAN perwakilan dari Mt. Alvernia Singapura, jika Anda punya pertanyaan ttg RS ini, mohon hubungi pihak RS langsung. Kami bisa membantu Anda untuk Medical Check UP ke RS di Penang lainnya seperti: Mt Elizabeth Orchard, Mt Elizabeth Novena dan Gleneagles Singapura.
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Assessment
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Creatinine
- Urea
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Hepatitis A Screen
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Chest X-Ray
- Resting ECG
Review of health results by doctor
Medical assessment
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Medical History & Risk Profile Screening
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Blood Pressure Reading
- Full Blood Count
- Cholesterol Profile
- Diabetes (Glucose) Screen
- Cancer Markers
- Screening for other conditions
- Chest X-Ray
- Cardiac
Post screening medical review & recommendations
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Liver
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Thyroid Screen
- Treponema Pallidium (Syphilis) Total Antibody
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- HIV Screen
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Hepatitis A Screen
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Resting ECG
Review of health results by doctor
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Thyroid Screen
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- HIV Screen
- Hepatitis A Screen
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Treponema Pallidium (Syphilis) Total Antibody
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Resting ECG
Review of health results by doctor
Examination Review
- Medical History Review and Physical Examination by Doctor
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis, Vision Assessment)
- Post Screening Review with Doctor
- Full Blood Count
- Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
- C Reactive Protein
- Rheumatoid Factor
- Diabetes (Glucose) Screen
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C)
- Kidney Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis Bs Antibody
- Hepatitis Bs Antigen
- Hepatitis C
- Treponema Pallidum Antibody (STD Screen)
- Cholesterol Profile
- Thyroid Screen
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Stool Analysis (For Occult Blood)
- Urine Analysis
- Cancer Marker: Colon
- Cancer Marker: Liver
- Cancer Marker: Pancreas
- Cancer Marker: Prostate – For Men
- Cancer Marker: Ovaries – For Ladies
- Chest X-ray
- Ultrasound Prostate and Abdomen – For Men
- Ultrasound Pelvis and Breast – For Ladies
- Pap Smear – For Ladies
- Tonometry
- Spirometry
- Resting ECG
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Cancer Marker - Pancreas
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Ovarian
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C)
- C-Reactive Protein
- Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio
- Lipoprotein A
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound - Prostate
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Resting ECG
- Tonometry – Glaucoma Screen
Review of health results by doctor
Medical assessment
- Doctor s consultation & physical examination
- Medical history & risk profile screening
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Cancer Marker - Pancreas
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Ovarian
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1C)
- C-Reactive Protein
- Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio
- Lipoprotein A
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Resting ECG
- Tonometry – Glaucoma Screen
- Bone Densitometry
Review of health results by doctor
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Thyroid Screen
- Treponema Pallidium (Syphilis) Total Antibody
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Cancer Marker - Prostate
- Cancer Marker - Pancreas
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- HIV Screen
- Urine FEME
- Rheumatoid Factor
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Hepatitis A Screen
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Ultrasound - Prostate
- Resting ECG
Review of health results by doctor
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Thyroid Screen
- Treponema Pallidium (Syphilis) Total Antibody
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Ovarian
- Cancer Marker - Pancreas
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Hepatitis A Screen
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- HIV Screen
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Urine FEME
- Rheumatoid Factor
- Ultrasound - Pelvis
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Chest X-ray
- Mammogram
- Resting ECG
Review of health results by doctor
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Chest X-ray
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Thyroid Screen
- Treponema Pallidium (Syphilis) Total Antibody
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Cancer Marker - Prostate
- Cancer Marker - Pancreas
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- HIV Screen
- Rheumatoid Factor
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Hepatitis A Screen
- Free Testorone
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Ultrasound - Prostate
- Ultrasound - Carotid
- Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)
- Spirometry (Lungs)
- Resting ECG
Review of health results by doctor
Medical assessment
- Anthropometry (Height, Weight, Fat Analysis)
- Visual Acuity Test
- Doctor’s Consultation & Physical Examination
- Full Blood Count
- Glucose
- Bone Mineral Screen
- Uric Acid
- Renal Function Test
- Liver Function Test
- Lipid Profile
- Thyroid Screen
- Treponema Pallidium (Syphilis) Total Antibody
- Cancer Marker - Colon
- Cancer Marker - Ovarian
- Cancer Marker - Liver
- Cancer Marker - Pancreas
- Lipid Profile
- Rheumatoid Factor
- Hepatitis A Screen
- Hepatitis B Antibody
- Hepatitis B Antigen
- HIV Screen
- Urine FEME
- Stool for Occult Blood
- Follicile Stimulating Hormone
- Luteinishing Hormone
- Estradiol
- Progesterone
- Chest X-Ray
- Ultrasound - Pelvis
- Ultrasound - Abdomen
- Ultrasound - Breast
- Mammogram
- Tonometry (Glaucoma Screen)
- Spirometry (Lungs)
- Resting ECG
Review of health results by doctor
Syarat Check Up
Berikut syarat untuk check up di Mt. Alvernia:
Usia minimal 18 tahun.
Puasa dari jam 10 malam sebelum hari check up. Boleh minum air putih saja.
Jika ada konsumsi obat rutin, disarankan stop penggunaan nya sementara.
Bawa sepatu lari jika ambil tes treadmill.
Selain itu, ada beberapa hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan:
- Kursi Roda
Mohon beritahu tim dokter Medisata jika pasien menggunakan kursi roda karena beberapa rumah sakit tidak mengizinkan pasien dengan kursi roda untuk MCU. - Treadmill
Setelah Anda selesai melakukan pemeriksaaan ultrasound, umumnya Anda dipersilakan untuk makan. Jika Anda mengambil tes treadmill, hindari makan terlalu berat sebelum tes dimulai. - Pap-smear
Bagi pasien wanita yang ingin melakukan tes pap-smear, perhitungkan juga tanggal haid. Sebaiknya pap-smear dilakukan sekitar 1 minggu setelah haid terakhir. - Hamil
Bagi pasien yang hamil atau kemungkinan hamil, Anda harus memberi tahu tim dokter Medisata atau staf MCU karena tes-tes berikut tidak disarankan bagi pasien hamil: X-ray, Tes Tulang, dan Mammogram.
Prosedur Check Up
Agar proses check up Anda lancar, cukup ikuti 5 langkah berikut ini:
Setelah dapat konfirmasi, kini saatnya Anda booking tiket Pesawat. Berikut beberapa maskapai yang memiliki penerbangan langsung (direct flight) ke Singapura:
Dari Jakarta: Air Asia, Lion Air, Batik Air, Garuda, Singapore AirlineDari Surabaya: Air Asia, Garuda, Malaysia Airline
Dari Medan: Malindo, Batik Air, Malaysia Airline
Dari Bandung: Air Asia, Singapore Airline
Dari Jogja: Singapore Airline
Penting! Sebelum beli tiket, pastikan masa berlaku passport Anda masih lebih dari 6 bulan.
Review Pasien
Belum ada review.
Untuk check up sendiri sebaiknya dilakukan rutin setiap 1-2 tahun sekali.
Butuh Rekomendasi Paket Check Up, Booking Slot, atau Pertanyaan Lainnya?
Masukan masukan usia dan keluhan Anda (jika ada) dan estimasi tanggal berangkat. Tim dokter umum kami akan memberikan rekomendasi paket MCU terbaik di Mount Alvernia Hospital untuk Anda.