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Paket Medical Check Up di Prince Court Medical Centre

Berikut pilihan paket yang tersedia:

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid function test
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Peripheral blood film

Rheumatoid arthritis factor
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Urine FEME
Full blood count
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood grouping

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG

Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing
Body fat analysis

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid function test
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Urine FEME
Full blood count
Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG

Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Pap smear (liquid based cytology)
Explanatio of screening report by doctor
Vision testing
Body fat analysis

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid function test
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Urine FEME
Full blood count
Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG

Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
Ultrasound breast with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Free Thyroxine
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Treponema Pallidum Hema-Agglutination (THPA)
Full blood count
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG
Specialised Assessment
Nutrition Screening / assessment
Opthalmic screening
Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
DEXA Scan (2 region) with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Free Thyroxine
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Treponema Pallidum Hema-Agglutination (THPA)
Full blood count
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG
Specialised Assessment
Nutrition Screening / assessment
Opthalmic screening
Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
DEXA Scan (2 region) with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Vision testing
Pure tone audiometry
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing
Body fat analysis

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid function test
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Full blood count
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Urine FEME

Male tumour markers
  • PSA (prostate specific antigen)
  • CA 199
  • CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG
Exercise stress test with report by cardiologist

Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
DEXA Scan (2 region) with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Pap smear (liquid based cytology)
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing
Body fat analysis

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid function test
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Full blood count
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Urine FEME

Female tumour markers
  • CA 125
  • CA 153
  • CA 199
  • CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG
Exercise stress test with report by cardiologist

Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
Mammogram/breast ultrasound with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist
DEXA Scan (2 region) with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Diet & wellness counselling
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing
Body fat analysis
Opthalmic screening

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Urine FEME
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Full blood count
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid function test

Male hormonal profile
  • Testosterone level
  • Prolactin
  • Cortisol
Male tumour markers
  • PSA (prostate specific antigen)
  • CA 199
  • CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG
Exercise stress test with report by cardiologist

Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
DEXA Scan (3 region) with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist

Routine Procedures
Consultation & physical examination by doctor
Vital signs monitoring (BP, pulse, temperature)
Pure tone audiometry
Pap smear (liquid based cytology)
Opthalmic screening
Explanation of screening report by doctor
Vision testing
Body fat analysis
Diet & wellness counselling

Laboratory Test
Fasting glucose
Bone metabolism profile
Renal function test
Lipid profile
Urine FEME
Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
Full blood count
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
Hepatitis B screening (Surface antigen & antibody)
HIV screening (HIV-1 anitgen & HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody)
ABO and rhesus blood Grouping
Uric Acid
Liver function test
Thyroid function test

Female hormonal profile
  • Follicle stimulating hormone
  • Luteinizing hormone
  • Oestradiol (E2)
  • Prolactin
  • Cortisol
Female tumour markers
  • CA 125
  • CA 153
  • CA 199
  • CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)

Peripheral blood film
Hepatitis A antibody screening (IgG)
Hepatitis C antibody screening (IgG)
Rheumatoid arthritis factor

Cardiological Assessment
Resting ECG
Exercise stress test with report by cardiologist

Radiological Examination
Chest X-ray with report by radiologist
Mammogram/breast ultrasound with report by radiologist
Ultrasound abdomen & pelvis with report by radiologist
DEXA Scan (3 region) with report by radiologist

Syarat Prosedur Review

Syarat Check Up

Berikut syarat untuk check up di Prince Court:
Usia minimal 20 tahun.
Puasa dari jam 10 malam sebelum hari check up. Boleh minum air putih saja.
Jika ada konsumsi obat rutin, disarankan stop penggunaan nya sementara.
Bawa sepatu lari jika ambil tes treadmill.

Selain itu, ada beberapa hal lain yang perlu diperhatikan:


  1. Kursi Roda
    Mohon beritahu tim dokter Medisata jika pasien menggunakan kursi roda karena beberapa rumah sakit tidak mengizinkan pasien dengan kursi roda untuk MCU.
  2. Treadmill
    Setelah Anda selesai melakukan pemeriksaaan ultrasound, umumnya Anda dipersilakan untuk makan. Jika Anda mengambil tes treadmill, hindari makan terlalu berat sebelum tes dimulai.
  3. Pap-smear
    Bagi pasien wanita yang ingin melakukan tes pap-smear, perhitungkan juga tanggal haid. Sebaiknya pap-smear dilakukan sekitar 1 minggu setelah haid terakhir.
  4. Hamil
    Bagi pasien yang hamil atau kemungkinan hamil, Anda harus memberi tahu tim dokter Medisata atau staf MCU karena tes-tes berikut tidak disarankan bagi pasien hamil: X-ray, Tes Tulang, dan Mammogram.

Prosedur Check Up

Agar proses check up Anda lancar, cukup ikuti 5 langkah berikut ini:

Anda bisa konsultasi dengan tim dokter Medisata di sini untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi paket check up dan tambahan pemeriksaan (add ons) apa yang sesuai dengan kondisi pasien.
Setelah tau paket apa yang akan dipilih, segera booking slot check up nya. Karena tiap rumah sakit punya slot maksimal tiap harinya dan biasanya penuh. So pastikan Anda sudah booking jauh-jauh hari. Klik di sini untuk booking slot check up.

Setelah dapat konfirmasi, kini saatnya Anda booking tiket Pesawat. Berikut beberapa maskapai yang memiliki penerbangan langsung (direct flight) ke Kuala Lumpur:

Dari Jakarta: Air Asia, Garuda Indonesia, Malindo, Citilink, Batik Air, Malaysia Airlines
Dari Surabaya: Air Asia, Malaysia Airlines, Lion Air
Dari Medan: Air Asia, Batik Air, Thai Lion Air, Malaysia Airlines
Dari Bali: Air Asia, Malindo, Malaysia Airlines
Dari Makassar: Air Asia, Batik Air
Dari Yogyakarta: Air Asia, Batik Air
Dari Lombok: Air Asia

Penting! Sebelum beli tiket, pastikan masa berlaku passport Anda masih lebih dari 6 bulan.

Hampir semua rumah sakit di Kuala Lumpur menyediakan jemputan bandara tanpa dikenakan biaya (jika RS menyediakan fasilitas ini).

Cara booking slot jemputan bandara:
Kirimkan tiket Anda ke tim kami
Kami akan book slot jemputan dan kirim konfirmasinya

Ketentuan jemputan:
Book slot jemputan minimal 3 hari sebelum keberangkatan
1 pasien dan 1 pendamping saja.
Jemputan hanya tersedia di jam kerja. Senin - Jumat (08.00 - 17.00) dan Sabtu (08.00 - 12.00) DAN sesuai ketentuan lainnya dari rumah sakit tujuan.

Setelah semua beres, kini saatnya Anda booking hotel. Kami juga bisa membantu booking hotel atau Anda bisa booking sendiri melalui OTA seperti, Traveloka, atau Agoda.

Review Pasien


22 Februari 2024
"Selamat siang Sudsh selesai mcu terimakasih Hanya check up nanti aja berkala dok"


10 Januari 2024
"Selamat malam dr Clara, MCU berjalqn lancar & sdh konsultasi dgn De Yeo Sek Wee."


2 Maret 2020
"Hasilnya oke, jadi sementara blom ada rujukan. Tq"

Jo *******eng

16 Januari 2020
"Untuk hasil cek up semuanya ok."


Ya, kecuali hasil pap smear (butuh waktu 5-7 hari) di mana hasil akan dikirim ke email pasien.
Ya, karena tiap rumah sakit punya slot maksimal tiap harinya dan biasanya penuh.
Lebih awal lebih baik. Tujuan check up adalah deteksi dini bakal penyakit. Semakin awal bakal penyakit terdeteksi, semakin cepat penanganan bisa dilakukan, maka semakin tinggi pula tingkat kesembuhan.
Untuk check up sendiri sebaiknya dilakukan rutin setiap 1-2 tahun sekali.

Butuh Rekomendasi Paket Check Up, Booking Slot, atau Pertanyaan Lainnya?

Masukan masukan usia dan keluhan Anda (jika ada) dan estimasi tanggal berangkat. Tim dokter umum kami akan memberikan rekomendasi paket MCU terbaik di Prince Court Medical Centre untuk Anda.